Wednesday 3 August 2016

Voyages Extraordinaires, Volume II, Coming Soon

Voyages Extraordinaires: Scientific Romances in a Bygone Age will be taking its leave through the course of August for a major restructuring.

For almost nine years, Voyages Extraordinaires has highlighted the best (and worst) in Victorian-Edwardian Scientific Romances, Adventure, Horror, Fantasy, and Retro-Futurism. That is an incredibly long time, especially for any weblog, let alone one that has managed to publish with a regularity that astonishes even me. A lot has happened in the last decade... You've been with me through my trips, my wedding, and the various controversies I've recklessly thrown myself into, all the while amassing a near encyclopedic account of the genre.

After so long, the time feels ripe to freshen-up, revitalize, and otherwise start Voyages Extraordinaires over again. The archives have already been taken down, but do not fear (as though it would have kept you awake at night). Many of my past essays will be republished, and many more will be rewritten and improved. Another thing that has happened in the past decade is that I've become a much better writer and professional weblog manager, thanks in no small part to my other journal, Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Fantasy. This will give me the chance to go back and improve on previous articles, and the presentation of Voyages Extraordinaires as a whole.

Join us back here on September 1st as Voyages Extraordinaires begins anew!    


  1. Good Luck Cory, looking forward to it.

  2. Dear Cory

    Please be sure and re-publish your article on Disney's The Mechanical Kingdom. I have found it an invaluable resource to link to when engaging with over inflated Steampunk types, proclaiming Maker Culture invented Steampunk and banging on about corporate appropriation and "ZOMG! Steampunk's gone mainstream" etc. Fear not I can hold my own against these pompous hipsters regardless, but although I sense you've moved on from all that a long time ago, I thought you might like to know that even now, there are still a few of us fighting the good fight as it were. Besides which the article is both highly informative and very funny, and I'm quite mortified it no longer appears to be there.


  3. LoL... Of course they would still be saying that... I'll see what I can do about reposting it :)
